Never run out of credit again! Introducing Zong Advance Code, your lifeline when you’re in a pinch. Whether you need to make an urgent call, send a quick text, or simply stay connected, Zong Advance has your back. Dial the magic code and get instant credit, right when you need it most. Stay tuned to uncover how this convenient service can keep you seamlessly connected, even when your balance is running low.

  1. Dial *911# on your phone.
  2. If you want a second Advance Loan, repeat step 1 after receiving the balance of the first loan.
  3. Send a blank SMS (text message with no content) to 6911.

Eligibility Criteria for Super Advance Loan

To be eligible for the Super Advance Loan:

  • High rollers: Recharge at least PKR 660 in the last 3 months and get the full loan amount.
  • Budget-conscious users: Recharge less than PKR 660 per month in the last 3 months and still access a smaller loan (Rs. 30) with lower transaction fees (Rs. 15).

Basically, the more you recharge, the bigger the loan you can get, but smaller recharges still offer limited loan options.

zong advance Balance code

Terms and Condition zong advance loan code


  • Super Advance Loan (Rs. 60): Monthly recharge > Rs. 660 for past 3 months (Rs. 30/loan transaction).
  • Standard Advance Loan (Rs. 30): Monthly recharge < Rs. 660 (Rs. 15/loan transaction).

Maximum Loans:

  • Two advance loans per recharge.

Loan Amounts:

  • Super Advance Loan: Rs. 30 per transaction.
  • Standard Advance Loan: Rs. 15 per transaction.

Service Fees:

  • Standard customer: Rs. 4.5 + tax per transaction.
  • Super advance customer: Rs. 8 + tax per transaction.

Additional Notes:

  • Customers can choose single or double loans.
  • This information is as per Zong’s website and may be subject to change.

Overall, Zong Advance Loan offers small advance loans to eligible customers. The loan amount and service fee depend on your monthly recharge amount and chosen loan type.


What is Zong advance code?

  • To get a Zong advance loan, dial #911#.
  • You can also send a blank SMS to 6911.
  • Or, download the My Zong app, go to the “Loan” section, and tap “Get Loan.”

What is Zong balance code?

To check your Zong balance, dial **#222#.

How can I activate Zong balance save code?

  • Zong doesn’t have a specific balance save code. However, you can try these options to manage your balance:
    • Subscribe to a package that suits your Data Package needs to avoid unnecessary charges.
    • Use Wi-Fi whenever possible to save your mobile data.
    • Monitor your data usage regularly to stay within your limits.
    • Consider using data saver features available on your device or in apps.